
Showing posts from June, 2021

Netcracker, NEC and NTT DOCOMO Collaborate to Optimize Open RAN Performance

Netcracker’s Non-Real-Time RAN Intelligent Controller helps CSPs enables innovative 5G use cases. The evolution to 5G will bring new digital experiences made possible by a broad range of technology innovations, including the 5G core, RAN virtualization and active massive MIMO (mMIMO) antenna systems. This advanced environment and its thousands of base stations will generate vast amounts of data, and that data will require analysis. RAN optimization can consequently no longer be attained with legacy self-organizing network (SON) solutions. Read More    

A Centralized Catalog Will Play a Pivotal Role in a 5G World

The growing popularity of modular BSS/OSS in the world of 5G means catalogs have a far greater significance in enabling business agility. Modular BSS/OSS architectures are being hailed as the way leading software vendors can empower operators undergoing a digital transformation. At the center sits a series of catalogs for storing the definitions of services, products and resources, and as networks grow more complex, these catalogs become increasingly critical. Read More

Next-Gen BSS Required to Differentiate the 5G Consumer Experience

Network capabilities will be perhaps the most salient part of 5G, but BSS will ultimately be what helps define the consumer experience moving forward. Read More    

Putting Automation at the Heart of Future Services Delivery Outcomes

Ari Banerjee highlights the impact of automation on speed to market and desired business outcomes at Deutsche Telekom and Telefónica As the telecommunications industry moves towards its next iteration of services, successful delivery cannot happen if too many disparate manual tasks are required to fulfill and manage services throughout their lifecycle. Unsurprisingly, putting automation at the heart of any digital transformation is one of the main start points for virtually every operator. Read More      

Why Domain Orchestration is a Leading Principle of Digital Transformation

Network and service agility in the digital economy is the goal and domain orchestration will help enable it. Today’s service providers see automation as a central principle of their transformation into true digital service providers. The ability to eliminate manual intervention in day-to-day network, service or business operations is now a primary goal, especially as virtually every provider faces business challenges from non-traditional competitors. Delivering new digital services effectively puts automation, consolidation and cross-domain process integration at the forefront of any next-generation operations strategy. Read More          

The Right Business Continuity Plan for Uncertain Times

The business landscape has been forever changed in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting a great need for continuity and resiliency in business operations. How businesses approach work from home policies, remote operations, online interactions and the business itself has drastically shifted. Many companies are struggling to maintain stability in these trying times. The level of disruption wrought across all industries has put many gaps in the different areas of business in the spotlight, and new ways are needed to serve customers and operate businesses in order to ensure continuity now and in the event of future unplanned interruptions. Read More