
Showing posts from September, 2022

Delivering the Right Services at the Right Time

Monetizing new digital services requires a modern revenue management system that embraces real-time charging, policy and analytics. Service providers aiming to offer more and newer digital services must look to their own back-office systems first. While it sounds like a no-brainer, it's actually quite shocking how often service provider business units are misaligned with or unaware of the state of their company’s business support systems (BSS). If service providers look internally and modernize their revenue management systems, for instance, they can establish more creative sales and pricing strategies that line up with how their customers use their services. Read More    

Digital Transformation Can't Happen Without Organizational Change

Service providers need to rethink organizational structures and internal processes before starting their digital transformation. Digital transformation a matter of offering digital services, cultivating digital sales channels, automating customer care processes and virtualizing their networks? Yes, but there is more to it than that. We think it means reworking a company from within in order to create more valuable services and make internal processes more efficient. Read More

Power Shifts Around the Digital Boardroom

The virtualization, commoditization and automation of the extended infrastructure formed out of formerly separate IT and networking elements is a clear case in point. In the past, the CTO ruled while the CIO and IT systems played a subservient role. With the move towards a more software and services centric view of the world, the CIO would appear to have the upper hand going forward. Read More  

4 Strategies for CSPs Entering the Complex World of IoT

CSPs should take a closer look at their own businesses before jumping into the IoT fray.   As Communications Service Providers (CSPs) continue to look for new lines of business and revenue streams and improved relevance in light of decreasing voice and video business and an increasingly tough competitive landscape, one area getting massive attention at the moment is the Internet of Things (IoT). Read More  

From Telco to NetCo and ServCo

Telcos are entering the Era of Specialization. They are selling off infrastructure – or creating subsidiaries to run it for them. The challenge is to ensure this process goes smoothly. Our Netcracker Fiber Cloud Solution brings agility, operations automation and intelligent wholesale customer management to maximize the value of the NetCo fiber infrastructure. It comprises an optimized set of out-of-the-box BSS/OSS capabilities to address the specific needs of implementing, managing and expanding the fiber infrastructure business. Read More