Cyta Selects Netcracker for a Full-Stack BSS and OSS Deployment in a Wide-Ranging Digital Transformation Program

Netcracker Technology announced today that Cyta, the leading telecommunications provider in Cyprus, has chosen Netcracker to deliver a full-stack IT deployment as part of a large-scale digital transformation. Cyta, which provides a wide range of services to residential and business customers, has built an island-wide 5G network and made a significant investment in fiber, necessitating the upgrade from a legacy IT infrastructure to a modern BSS/OSS platform in order to monetize its network and deliver exceptional experiences. Netcracker Digital BSS and Digital OSS, part of the flagship Netcracker Digital Platform,
form the foundation of an overarching transformation that will help Cyta shift away from an inefficient system that was inadequate for a next-generation network. The program will bring significant results to the consumer and business segments, including improved internal efficiencies, faster time to market and an enhanced customer experience. Click Here to read more.


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